A concept is an overall umbrella statement that positions your company in the market.
Defines who you are
What you do
The benefits of doing business with you.
Answers for your customer or prospect “What’s in it for me?”
An initial no-cost, no-obligation meeting to survey the issues in broad terms and mutually decide if the SellectiveSelling approach is right for the client..
An extensive analysis to define problems, opportunities and to identify changes necessary to solve and capitalize on them. Includes confidential interviews with company personnel, review of all marketing and sales collateral and other internal data. Result is a preliminary view of how you see yourself and perhaps how you would like to be seen. This establishes a broad outline which to base improvement.
Lead the Client to a Plan. Defined actions based on a competitive, quantified assessment of your market position, your competitors and the SWOT analysis, suggesting critical areas of needed improvement. Plan goals are specific with defined end points and meaningful metrics to know when you have reached them.
SellectiveSelling becomes a working partner to implement the Plan. Usually, there are several elements to any plan and we will be more, or less involved, in different parts. As experienced business managers, expert in identifying market and customer needs, the Principals of SellectiveSelling rely heavily at times on other specialist professionals, like lawyers, insurance and benefit providers, accountants and communications specialists. They have no reluctance to recommend the best solution to your problem or need.